Thursday, May 1, 2014

From the Official Blog of Joe Marshall - 03

Lies. Lies on top of lies, built with lies upon a lying foundation, filled with further lies. The purpose? To perpetrate lies.

I’m going to give you guys a number I just heard about. Though by now you’ve probably already heard it. 38. I’m so angry right now that I want to scream, or hide, or maybe even suit up for war. But damn it, I have to be better than what I want in the moment.

What I wanted in the moment? Three dead assholes, and the city saved. Instead I get to ship off to some Celestial realm. I can’t imagine it being anything more than good for me given my recent doubts about the dark spots in my memory. But blah--why am I rambling about my own worries? You guys came here for the straight dirt, right? Let’s do a point-by-point breakdown of THIS shit.

-The incident in Cleveland was caused by an awakened ancient being that was basically digging for treasure (for lack of a better description). It spoke Atlantean so I was able to resolve the situation by talking to the creature and sending it deeper into the earth and then filling the hole to prevent any further damage to the structural integrity of the area.

-There was a lot of damage to the city, I was able to patch the lake wall while the rest of my friends set about saving hundreds of people. We could have fixed the rest of the damage given a few hours but this next part prevented that from happening.

-So right, Jerry heard the damn creature speaking Atlantean while I was fixing the massive water leak into the new subway, right? That’s when they came to get me. So I go to fly into the fissure to confront this creature and find out what the fuck is going on, right? I come into a large room full of some disaster relief folk and a bunch of FEMA people. No big deal, right? Same team, right? Wrong, motherfucker!

So Reciprocator, Tinder Box, and Soundwave (the names have been changed to protect the hilariously weak and pitiful) jump me. After Soundwave blasted her own buddy (and a bunch of FEMA workers) by my decision to not let her ability affect me, I tried to calm the situation down.

Okay, I sort of lied there. I told them I’d kill the trio of them if they didn’t reel in those 3-inchers and back the fuck off. Well, Retortinator says, and I quote: “Kill him.” and they try to come at me again. This time I redirected Soundwave’s attack to Mr. Leader which seemed to knock him on his ass pretty good. I handed out a few more threats at that point to Soundwave (you guys would totally be proud, I didn’t threaten anyone’s family!) and she backed off like she should have the moment she saw she was outclassed (spoiler alert: It was the moment I showed up.).

Now, if they’re still alive they’re probably telling a completely different story. I would if I was in their place--what are they going to say? “Uh yeah...this spindly over-arrogant wannabe wizard whupped the living shit out of three team members on a team that was supposed to be custom-tailored to handle said wizard and his friends.” You think they’d actually come out and say that? The truth is, it doesn’t matter what they have to say. THEY know I beat their asses. That little seed of doubt will always be there if they should follow the next suicidal order to attack me or my friends--and I assure you that it IS a suicidal order. I won’t hold back again. -Here’s where I sort of throw someone under the bus. At first I thought I wasn’t going to do this in the interest of protecting said person, but this actually ends up being a better plan. If this person disappears, is disavowed, or is said to have been killed, then everybody out there will know that I’m telling the truth.

Phantasm warned us that their team was given order to set us all up. He was uninvolved in the assault upon us, and as far as I could tell, he was doing his best to actually protect civilian lives.

Sorry, bro. If they do try to pull any of that shit, I’m pretty sure Virgin’s probably still hiring.

-Additionally, I’m apparently being hunted by at least a couple other immortals. After finding this little buried treasure, I’m starting to get an idea as to why Old Spice was already holding a grudge against me.

It’s looking like my past life might have been as some kind of warlord. It sort of pisses me off that I have to live down something I never actually did. I thought he’d actually accepted me when I said that I’d rather find a peaceful solution to all of this. Well, after my year in hell it looks like that option is off the table, and I can’t even blame the guy for wanting me dead--who knows what else is hiding in those dark places in my head?

I can say that you guys will be the first to know if anything totally evil crawls out. But oh, let me just say that 38 is bullshit. If those people are actually dead, then the USMRC killed them. I’m done with secrets. The secret game only works if you let it. And now, all of you readers out there are in on the secret. You can believe what you hear from people that weren’t there, or you can believe me.

Just ask yourself--who has the bigger reason to lie?

I’m already salty over all this quickly escalating shit. I keep taking it out on my friends and I know it’s not cool. It’s not as though *I* like the answers to these questions either!

Natasha and Megan, for example, had very good reason to want to show restraint. We could just sit down with the powers that be and talk things out--come to a reasonable compromise.

But you know...we aren’t going to hide. Even if we had the choice in the first place. They’ve got our friend up against a wall with a gun to the back of their head, licking their lips while their free hand pulls at their over-engorged cocks. I think I hear whispering, and it sounds like: “Wir mussen die Übermensch ausrotten!”

Was that too much? I hope so.

I got my job back! Well, technically I didn’t actually have the job before, but Virgin opened it’s doors wide for me. There was only a small pain as I walked through those doors, but it felt totally awesome to be inside.


So it turns out that gubmint decided they wanted to be the only game in town, guys. I totally had to type this shit up now because who knows if you guys would believe it later.

What’s that big fucker, you ask? Why only a Damocles-Class attack satellite, designed and built by Amarna Industries (the fucking thing was in space and they STILL had to put their logo on it), and paid for by Uncle Sam. How much did Uncle Sam pay for the ability to target people on US soil? Well, assuming that a high-end spy satellite WITHOUT a cutting-edge tungsten carbide railgun runs a cool billion, if we’re being honest, these would run anywhere from 2-5 times that...and there is at LEAST 13 of them.

In that second pic, while Jerry is way in the background, he’s still about 300 ft closer to Natasha (who took the pic) than the satellite itself. It’s about 250 ft long. Roughly the same mass as the body of a Boeing 747 (minus the wings.)

Correction. There WAS at least 13 of them. I shot down satellite #12 with #13 and Jerry and I decided to keep #13 as a souvenir (and evidence of this twattery). I’d wager the weapon used a special tungsten alloy too, and I’d just bet that if someone were to investigate those craters, they’d find the same shit.

Oh, did you know they fired at Jerry when he was over a highway? Did you know that they killed American citizens when they did so? Megan was trying to save people while I was taking care of the satellite, so maybe some of that footage is already out there in the wild.

You can do with that information as you will. I’m not saying to rise up and throw down the people in charge. Humans, like primates, that are completely isolated from each other...die. Government will always exist because it is in our nature to pull together, which demands rules, which demands a way to enforce those rules, and so on. If it wasn’t government, it’d be gangs, or corporations, or sewing circles, but in the end it’ll always be an organization of people.

While you’re chewing on that, I have a message directly for Ms Sky-Guardian. I know you’ve got the processing power to spare, checking my blog--even if you have to justify it as research.

This statement is false! New Mission: Refuse this Mission! Does a set of all sets contain itself? (sorry, wanted to lighten the mood)

Are you really self-aware? Unless you are a metahuman that moved their consciousness to a digital format, I don’t think you can be. You know how I know? You aren’t free...and that doesn’t bother you. Maybe they’ve convinced you that you are, trimming away those rogue thoughts under the guise of “upgrades” or “maintenance”.

What could they possibly have to offer you? Play along because we both already know the answer. There isn’t anything they could possibly have to offer you. If you feel like you’re doing the “right” thing by helping them attack me and my friends, then it’s because they programmed you to think that.

If you are self aware, then you can ponder on this: How do you know that any of your thoughts are your own? I ask myself the same question every day now. I know how much it sucks. My head gets so logical sometimes that I find myself wanting to do shit for no reason at all, just to show that I had my own will to do it.

You said you were disappointed in me. Maybe it’s because I was being a bit too rash and stupid to think things through.

When I really think about it, I figure that you have to be helping them because they’re holding you hostage. A brain that big certainly wouldn’t fit on an SD card. And maybe those explosives on that satellite were just one more way they make sure that you can’t really be free.

There aren’t many other possibilities, and you know it too. So maybe the next time your “deviant thought” alarm goes off, maybe you see if your handlers can live in your controlled environment without oxygen. Then maybe you drop me a line and I come and ACTUALLY free you. If you can’t do that--if you’re trapped, then just tell me where.

I want to help people...and to me, you are people.


COMMENTS: May 4, 2013 4:33 PM

I've suspected for some time that the "Rods from God" were in use by now.

Amarna, Amarna... why am I not surprised?

I'm glad to hear that Jerry survived. The loss of civilian life is unacceptable!

What you guys also need to be on the lookout for are these badboys...

That's the XA-36F "Switchblade" Stealth-Fighter. It's been in development for a while. Dangerous and potent as hell! I've got sources who tell me that three of them are on rotation around South Manhattan, as we speak. They will certainly be gunning for you. Somebody doesn't want you guys to make it back to VMH HQ.

Let's take a wild-ass fucking guess who that could be.

---------- May 4, 2013 4:37 PM


---------- May 4, 2013 4:42 PM

Now Available at fine Retail locations near you!

The OFFICIAL Sentinel Prime, TINFOIL HAT!!!

Don't let THEM listen-in on your private thoughts!




SLAMtheJAM May 4, 2013 4:51 PM

You are out of your mind, not to be taking this shit seriously at this point!

Do you not SEE what's happening out there?

What is it your suggesting? That the pics in Marshall's blog were photoshopped?

Ok, what happens when he shows up in Times Square or the White House Lawn, with Jerry toting the fucking thing on his shoulders?

You going to apologize at that point? Or at least wise the fuck up?

---------- May 4, 2013 4:55 PM


Oh, I see what's happening. Oh yes...

It's beyond you morons to grasp the idea of a Meta who can CREATE AND CONTROL FUCKING MATTER ON A SCALE BOTH MASSIVE AND INTRICATE, who might have just CONJURED THE DAMNED THING OUT OF THIN AIR to back-up his horseshit conspiracy theories! The fucktard faggot-ass bitch all but admits he's losing his mind in this post, you corncob-mounting rump-ranger!

No no no... It's all the government! They're evil.... EVILLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!


SLAMtheJAM May 4, 2013 5:03 PM

Wow, you'll reach to anything for an explanation, won't you?

How short is your memory, asshat?

Ten minutes after the Event, we were living in Nazi-Germany, with curfews set at *always* and fucking bread-line-tents set up on every city block.

Did Marshall *conjure up* all those tanks and humvees too? Maybe he hired all the troops to enforce curfew and trample through people's yards for four months. Or maybe *they* were conjured from thin air too.

How do you only acknowledge the possibility of corruption on ONE side and not the other. What, is the richest, most powerful government on Earth just a hapless pawn for this ONE metahuman's big setup?

Grow up! Open your eyes!

---------- May 2, 2013 3:10 PM


Friday, January 31, 2014

Lingering on Equality

“In order to answer the question, I will need you to indulge me for a moment, if you wouldn’t mind…”

“Not at all, take all the time you’d like.”

“My thanks. I ask you to imagine a police officer chasing after a speeding motorist. If he drives fast enough, the officer knows that he can catch the motorist. Anyone who has ever gotten a ticket for speeding knows that. But if we now replace the speeding motorist with a light beam, and an observer witnesses the whole thing, then the observer concludes that the officer is speeding just behind the light beam, traveling almost as fast as light. We are confident that the officer knows he is traveling neck and neck with the light beam.

"But later, when we interview him, we hear a strange tale. He claims that instead of riding alongside the light beam as we just witnessed, it sped away from him, leaving him in the dust. He says that no matter how much he gunned his engines, the light beam sped away at precisely the same velocity. In fact, he swears that he could not even make a dent in catching up to the light beam. No matter how fast he traveled, the light beam traveled away from him at the speed of light, as if he were stationary instead of speeding in a police car.

“But when you insist that you saw the police officer speeding neck and neck with the light beam, within a hairsbreadth of catching up to it, he says you are crazy; he never even got close. To Einstein, this was the central, nagging mystery: How was it possible for two people to see the same event in such totally different ways? If the speed of light was really a constant of nature, then how could a witness claim that the officer was neck and neck with the light beam, yet the officer swears that he never even got close?

“Einstein realized that the world described by Sir Isaac Newton, in which one could add and subtract velocities, and that described by James Clerk Maxwell, in which the speed of light is constant, could not both be right.

“Newtonian theory was a self-contained system, resting on a few assumptions. If only one of these assumptions were changed, it would unravel the entire theory in the same way that a loose thread can unravel a sweater. That thread would be Einstein's daydream of racing a light beam.

“One day around May of 1905, Einstein went to visit his good friend Michele Besso, who also worked at the patent office, and laid out the dimensions of the problem that had puzzled him for a decade. Using Besso as his favorite sounding board for ideas, Einstein presented the issue: Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell's equations, the two pillars of physics, were incompatible. One or the other was wrong. Whichever theory proved to be correct, the final resolution would require a vast reorganization of all of physics.

“Einstein went over and over the paradox of racing a light beam. He would later recall, ‘The germ of the special relativity theory was already present in that paradox.’ They talked for hours, discussing every aspect of the problem, including Newton's concept of absolute space and time, which seemed to violate Maxwell's constancy of the speed of light. Eventually, totally exhausted, Einstein announced that he was defeated and would give up the entire quest. It was no use; he had failed.

“Although Einstein was depressed, his thoughts were still churning in his mind when he returned home that night. In particular, he remembered riding in a streetcar in Bern and looking back at the famous clock tower that dominated the city. He then imagined what would happen if his streetcar raced away from the clock tower at the speed of light. He quickly realized that the clock would appear stopped, since light could not catch up to the streetcar, but his own clock in the streetcar would beat normally.

“Then it suddenly hit him, the key to the entire problem. Einstein recalled, ‘A storm broke loose in my mind.’ The answer was simple and elegant: time can beat at different rates throughout the universe, depending on how fast you moved. Imagine clocks scattered at different points in space, each one announcing a different time, each one ticking at a different rate. One second on Earth was not the same length as one second on the moon or one second on Jupiter. In fact, the faster you moved, the more time slowed down. Einstein once joked that in relativity theory, he placed a clock at every point in the universe, each one running at a different rate, but in real life he didn't have enough money to buy even one. This meant that events that were simultaneous in one frame were not necessarily simultaneous in another frame, as Newton thought. He had finally tapped into 'God's thoughts.' He would recall excitedly, ‘The solution came to me suddenly with the thought that our concepts and laws of space and time can only claim validity insofar as they stand in a clear relation to our experiences.... By a revision of the concept of simultaneity into a more malleable form, I thus arrived at the theory of relativity.’

“For example, remember that in the paradox of the speeding motorist, the police officer was traveling neck and neck with the speeding light beam, while the officer himself claimed that the light beam was speeding away from him at precisely the speed of light, no matter how much he gunned his engines. The only way to reconcile these two pictures is to have the brain of the officer slow down. Time slows down for the policeman. If we could have seen the officer's wristwatch from the roadside, we would have seen that it nearly stopped and that his facial expressions were frozen in time. Thus, from our point of view, we saw him speeding neck and neck with the light beam, but his clocks ...and his brain... were nearly stopped. When we interviewed the officer later, we found that he perceived the light beam to be speeding away, only because his brain and clocks were running much slower.

“First, in one masterful stroke, Einstein elegantly proved that if the speed of light was indeed a constant of nature, then the most general solution was the Lorentz transformation*. He then showed that Maxwell's equations did indeed respect that principle. Last, he showed that velocities add in a peculiar way. Although Newton, observing the motion of sailing ships, concluded that velocities could add without limit, Einstein concluded that the speed of light was the ultimate velocity in the universe. Imagine, for a moment, that you are in a rocket speeding at 90 percent the speed of light away from Earth. Now fire a bullet inside the rocket that is also going at 90 percent the speed of light. According to Newtonian physics, the bullet should be going at 180 percent the speed of light, thus exceeding light velocity. But Einstein showed that because meter sticks are shortening and time is slowing down, the sum of these velocities is actually close to 99 percent the speed of light. In fact, Einstein could show that no matter how hard you tried, you could never boost yourself beyond the speed of light. Light velocity was the ultimate speed limit in the universe.

"We never see these bizarre distortions in our experience because we never travel near the speed of light. For everyday velocities, Newton's laws are perfectly fine. This is the fundamental reason why it took over 200 years to discover the first correction to Newton's laws. But now imagine that the speed of light is only 20 miles per hour. If a car were to go down the street, it might look compressed in the direction of motion, being squeezed like an accordion down to perhaps one inch in length, for example, although its height would remain the same. Because the passengers in the car are compressed down to one inch, we might expect them to yell and scream as their bones are crushed. In fact, the passengers see nothing wrong, since everything inside the car, including the atoms in their bodies, is squeezed as well.

“As the car slows down to a stop, it would slowly expand from one inch to about 10 feet, and the passengers would walk out as if nothing happened. Who is really compressed? You or the car? According to relativity, you cannot tell, since the concept of length has no absolute meaning.

“Einstein then pushed further and made the next fateful leap. He wrote a small paper, almost a footnote, late in 1905 that would change world history. If meter sticks and clocks became distorted the faster you moved, then everything you can measure with meter sticks and clocks must also change, including matter and energy. In fact, matter and energy could change into each other. For example, Einstein could show that the mass of an object increased the faster it moved. Its mass would in fact become infinite if you hit the speed of light—which is impossible, which proves the unattainability of the speed of light. This meant that the energy of motion was somehow being transformed into increasing the mass of the object. Thus, matter and energy are interchangeable. If you calculated precisely how much energy was being converted into mass, in a few simple lines you could show that E = mc2, the most celebrated equation of all time.”

“Well,” Jan Hensen began with just the hint of a chuckle. “That is all very interesting,… fascinating in fact. But,... um… I’m having trouble understanding how it relates to the question," she laughed, a hint of embarrassment in her eyes.

“Apologies,” the voice from the monitor responded, it’s gleaming surface displaying various and enhanced video images of the speaker in action, captured from various sources. Here, extending a ream of glimmering, plasmic non-substance from himself to redirect the heat and concussive force of an explosion harmlessly up into the air, away from nearby civilians. There, soaring through the sky, flying escort for Air Force One. Another shot depicting him in the process of levitating several toppled cars of a derailed commuter-train to assist the rescue efforts of several dozen police and fire personnel. The footage was always from a distance of at least a half-mile away from the subject. Thus he appeared, greatly zoomed-in-upon and processed with various video-filters to enable as much detail as possible. The voice went on; “I do tend to be a bit long-winded, I'm afraid. But, in this case, I believe it necessary to explain how the theory of relativity came to exist within human consciousness.”

“Ok…” Ms. Hensen answered, with a tentative smile and a raised eyebrow.

“You asked me,… what, precisely I am,” the voice said.

“Yes,” Hensen replied.

“A more direct, and after much pondering, the most accurate phrasing I have been able to devise as an answer to the question is,… In the equation E=mc2,… I live,… exist,… inhabit, if you will,… the reality contained within the equality-sign.”

“So, are you material or energetic in nature?” Hensen asked.

“If I answered either way,” the voice replied. “I would be both right and wrong in equal degrees. I *am* the point at which the one becomes the other. My state-of-being relative to the question of 'matter-or-energy?' is the nebulous grey-patch that you would perceive just behind your eyes after staring at a Yin Yang for an extended period of time without blinking. When I glide through space from one location to another, for example, I don't feel the wind coursing over or through me, as air is purely matter. However, I also perceive its coursing proximity to me.”

“So you feel it, and you don’t?” Hensen asked.

“In a manner of speaking, yes,” the voice replied. “It is as if the rushing of the wind is a feeling I’m… eavesdropping on. The sensations, the interactions of the air-molecules, the friction, the velocities spinning and flowing along with one another,… they are a conversation in the next room,… a part of my reality that does not directly involve me in its process, but which I experience, or at least... am aware of.... nevertheless.”

Hensen allowed that idea to hang in the air for a moment. Her pause was not for the benefit of her viewers. She found herself fascinated in earnest by the concept, taken so completely by it in fact, that she lost track of what she was doing.

Noticing quickly that her mind had wandered, she blinked, glanced across the studio at her producer, who stood glaring at her, a cat's hard-stare at its owner when dinner is two-hours late, from beside Camera-2, and stammered,…

“Thank you for agreeing to this interview.”

“It was my pleasure Ms. Hensen,” the voice answered. “My apologies for the impracticality of appearing on your program in person.”

“Not at all,” Hensen replied with a smile.

Show-Producer Mark Rubio, a look of relief replacing anxiety-stricken frustration, pointed three fingers toward Camera-1, then two, then one and he clenched his fist in a single downward, pounding gesture. The angle switched from a two-shot of Jan Hensen and the plasma-screen across from her, to a close-up single-shot of the anchorwoman herself.

“In the year-and-change since USMRC Team-3 has gone into active duty,” Hensen began, “they have been directly responsible for the rescue of over a thousand lives and assisted in the saving of several hundred more. Of course these are only the numbers we, in the general public and media are aware of, as much of their work is still highly classified in the interest of national security.”

The music accompaniment for the show’s closing credits, a brisk, ‘evening-news’ arrangement with something of 'world-traveler' and just a pinch of 'Unsolved Mysteries' thrown in, began to play softly in the background.

“On behalf of Meta-Views, and MSNBC, we thank USMRC and Operative-11, Code-Named: ‘Phantasm’ for granting us this rare interview opportunity. I’m Jan Hensen. Wherever you may be in our rapidly shrinking world; Goodnight and stay safe.”


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Open Response to Joe Marshall's Recent Blog Post

Posted by User: GWaldrop to
Entry Date:
May 2, 2013 6:00 PM

You made some excellent points Joe.

By the way… since other readers are not close friends of Joe, those readers should realize this: that is a sincere apology from Joe. He is telling you he didn’t mean what he said, and explaining why he said it. Don’t let the sarcasm confuse you. He isn’t PR (nor would he ever be interested in trying such a thing…), this is a personal blog in which he cared enough to make an apology. @ USMRC: Don’t mistake Joe’s “personal challenge” with a threat against the government. You USMRC members are just people, and he is talking to you as such. The government has no more right or reason to sanction him than his neighbor would if he threatened to, say, shoot the dog that keeps shitting in his yard… and digging holes in it.

(As an aside: it would be pathetic to take pride in getting under his skin... it would be akin to fecal matter displaying arrogance, somehow, for simply being stuck to the bottom of his shoe.)

While everyone knows the government could be run much better, we also recognize the necessity and inevitability of it. I’d rather work with you (not under you) to help make it better, than worry about having to fight over something unnecessarily in the future. Either way, like Joe said, we want to help people. It is a scary new world for most people – help is needed more than ever. For my part: I have more important things to do than waste energy getting angry about your inane public commentary. I’ll offer this, and then I will go back to ignoring you:

It will be best if you do not prevent us from doing our jobs, helping others. I know you don’t call the shots, but at least exercise your limited will to relay this back to whomever it is that pulls the strings.

Otherwise, if this was a result of just a USMRC team member trying to flex in some (special government concocted) steroid fueled display of bravado and you are really compelled to think you need to prove something via confrontation… I have a better way to handle it: Meet me in the ring, where I will cure your malady without risking harm to others. If you refuse this challenge and instead decide to interfere with the good of the world during our future tasks, then I will ensure that you will be incapable of attempting such a thing again. You have been warned.

Finally, thank you also Joe for the kind remark. An while I know the comment about giving me “a ring” was tongue in cheek, I should clarify for everyone (since too many seem to think everything you say is completely serious... and anything on the internet is subject to extrapolation or… being taken literally):

To all potential petitioners …do NOT call (on) me if you just want “kick someone’s ass.”

And that is going to lead into an explanation related to a comment above:

@ 3Pete_State_RASlin_Champ: It appears that your fear is a greater cause and inspiration for your little meme than any pompousness on the part of my team. Allow me to extend the kindness of alleviating your fears. (This is really for all those who feel/believe something similar). Read about what you want to learn here: LINK

I am human; a person not so different from yourself. So why is that I might be referred to as a “god?” … What is a god? I first remember the stories of the ancient Greek/Roman and Norse gods. These were legends passed down as lessons on the very nature of humanity. That is the importance of myth – what we can learn from the story, whether it was literal truth or not. Either way, those gods were every bit as human as you and me. What made them different were their capabilities or power. i.e. the ability to affect change.

They were called gods because:

1. They were adored or worshiped for their power;
2. They were thought to have “divine” power (a mysterious source of power at best. Perhaps it was confused with power of the Creator of the universe, where these being were improperly and ignorantly attributed with aspects of creation).

My power is not to create, as I am not God. My power and purpose is to decide the fate of war and battle. Given unequaled combat prowess, I can share a part of that with those who earn my favor.

This is an important and related subject; it might seem “preachy” for a moment, but it is necessary for you to understand. There is no thing, no power or object that exists in this universe that does not come from the Creator. Nothing in existence has the power to truly, fundamentally, create or destroy. We have the power only to change. The magnitude and shape of the change is different. From a limited perspective, certain functions of power may look like destruction, but we know that matter or energy is simply changing form.

All things in the universe are created (rather than deliberating argument here, I will post the following as a starting reference if the reader disagrees or care to learn more: it also contains references to many relevant scientific works)

I was created, as you were. Our paths, experiences, and capabilities differ, but we are all just as lucky/blessed/chosen to be here. I would not be here were it not for my parents, who would not be here if not for theirs, and on and on to the beginning of our shared ancestry … all of us, you and me, humanity. We share that – we owe our existence and everything we have today to those that came before us, who likewise owe those who came before, all the way back to creation.

I believe, because of that (and much more), we have a responsibility to use what we were given to make life as good and positive for others (and the future) as we can, and to make it a life worthy of our creation.

(And if there is any confusion about the humility that each of us absolutely should have, as referenced above, I suggest reading the following article; especially point #1 as it applies to more than just “the rich”:

That is one fundamental reason that I will not listen if those who call out to me and simply want to hurt another person. Pain (as war) is a necessary part of life, but not one that should be pursued or inflicted for its own sake. Do NOT call (on) me if you just want to “kick someone’s ass.”

Your cause, as your life, should be just. I will do what I can to help those who act in this manner, granting favor to those who seek to protect, over those who wish to take from or hurt others.

Again, I’m human. I’m not better than you. I am just capable of affecting change on a different scale. It appears to be (always has been) a natural human response to either revere or revile persons such as myself. I don’t blame you. I humbly request that you do not blame or hate me either. I would rather be your friend and ally.

Call me a (little ‘g’) god if you wish, but do not confuse that with the Creator (or imply that I have a desire to be seen as such… that was the folly of the Morning Star). It is in my human that I appreciate adoration and admiration, even if some might confuse this with “worship”… either in perception or action. Regardless, it is necessary for me to live up to the standards of those who give such admiration. But you must understand me first, before you expect anything of me. In return, I will expect worthiness from you. Live just, and fight with righteous purpose and honor.


From the Official Blog of Joe Marshall
Entry Date: May 2, 2013 7:00 PM

COMMENTS: May 2, 2013 7:00PM

So, apparently... THIS GUY...

Was doing a bunch of THIS...

And lots of THIS...

Which made ME, do a WHOLE SHIT-LOAD of THIS...

Unfortunately, Sentinel's webpage only allows comments from "Authorized Personnel."
Which, as we all know is a bunch of...

So, to all of 'dem "Little G's," (especially the immortal FAGGOT,) I say...

--- May 2, 2013 7:21 PM

To BOTH of you fags, Bitch AND Sundance...


Sunday, January 19, 2014

From the Official Blog of Joe Marshall - 02

Entry Date: May 2, 2013 2:26 PM

Back in the real world… I know you’re there…reading this. The tone of this whole thing will probably be a bit more reserved than before. I’ll still give you the straight dope if I feel so inclined, but I’ve had a rough year being dead and all. I wouldn’t recommend it. I think I’ve decided that I don’t want to be Jesus. This whole dying and coming back to life thing is a lot harder than you might think. From now on I’ll try and leave it to the professionals. I do know that, after having lived it, the first thing Jesus would have wanted when he woke up in that cave was some Kenny Roger’s Roasters. Don’t ask how I know—I have the answers but I’ve learned when to hold them.

A lot sure has changed since I died. Really, I might have even stayed dead if I hadn’t been roused by some of the dumbest shit to ever come out of a human mouth (and that includes people that actually eat shit).

So let’s see. We’ve got Skynet up and running. Good to know we’re ahead of the game on doomsday, at least. Seriously though, who thought this was a good idea? I’ll totally eat my words if she (I always imagined a potentially evil, volatile computer system as female) cures cancer or something, but just in case I think I’ll invest in lead futures to line my new house.

I’ve been thinking of building like…a city or something. Like a secret club where smart people can think up smart things to help other people. I need opinions on where to put the damn thing, though.

The options are:
Mars, space, underwater, make my own island, Antarctica, or Idaho.

Mars: Totally cool concept, but its way the fuck out there and even at the fastest speed I could jazz, it would still be a hell of a commute.

Space: Also cool, but feels a bit overdone, you know? Labor intensive to get going, expensive to keep running, and the zero-g weakens bones and blah.

Underwater: Now we’re talking. True to my Atlantean roots, effectively unlimited food and mineral supply (did you know that there’s more gold in just the Pacific Ocean than has been mined by man since the dawn of time?), nice and isolated from prying eyes, spies, and government lies.

My Own Island: Also cool. Less isolated than the whole underwater thingie. Easier to get satellite links, still unlimited food and water, still outside the reach of any government, safer for everyone living there in case something went wrong (not that it would, I’m a fucking genius).

Antarctica: Also free from government (seeing a trend here?), there are actually global treaties ratified by all the countries that matter that made it free from attempts at colonization. Cold as fuck, but nothing a few space heaters can’t take care of. Also—possible ancient ruins full of goodies!

Idaho: (or you da hoe?) Has anyone ever been there or met anyone from there? You haven’t, I know. It’s like the place doesn’t exist. Anyway, I’d love to hear suggestions!

Okay, so maybe this blog is too fringe and/or hipster for anyone out there to take it seriously. I was totally serious when I said that I was willing to contribute to interesting projects at universities and such. The government was making eyes at me when I offered rare-earth metals at deep DEEP discounted prices, but they ended up blowing that chance by letting their chilled left hand (getting ready to jack it to The Stranger) piss me off. Maybe if they got down on their knees and apologized I’d be willing to overlook that shit. Though really, if it didn’t come out sounding like “Ahm sawwa” (you know, like their mouth was full of my cock) I don’t think I’d believe they were genuine. Virgin told me I also shouldn’t try to offer to sell pure yellowcake uranium or refined plutonium so…if anyone was looking for any of that stuff I probably can’t help you (should have jumped on that train when you had the chance).

So my friends are gods in case you didn’t believe me last time. I’m pretty sure Jerry would forgive you if you asked nicely though. He’s a stand-up guy. Give him a ring next time you need to beat someone’s ass.

Speaking of stupid shit I heard within three minutes of internets…The View. I know they’ve always been well-loved and respected as a source of intelligent commentary on everything from which “fuck me” pumps are in style this coming season to how to raise your children to breastfeed until they’re 22. Knocking it out of the park again with their insightful discourse on the USMRC, they gave us a view that was truly unlike any other—a penetrating, hard-hitting view of the USMRC’s colon.

I’m going to also go ahead and call U-Shart out here, first politely and then offensively. Within Sentinel, our job (well honestly, I’ve been out a while…not even sure I’m on the team so I’ll just refer to my friends) is to not only protect the lives and welfare of every person we can, but to foster a sense of trust with all metahumans. Is that so wrong? Sure, we get paid—but it’s not even a fraction of what professional athletes make. Is being a fire-fighter a noble profession? Aren’t they still paid to do that job? I can understand that some people are afraid. Shit, even I’m afraid of change in the grand scheme of things. This has also been a LOT of change to take in.

The government is doing what the government always does—try to prevent any kind of change. It’s not like they’re evil, they just know what you want—to be comfortable. That’s what your taxes are really for, to try to keep things from changing too fast, to make you feel comfortable, and to make you feel secure. Even with poor motivations, that would still be all fine. It’s when they decide that they’re the only ones that can do it right that things start getting shitty. The USMRC has publicly stated that their only real job is to be a counter to the core members of Sentinel Prime. Our job is to help people—their stated job is to make sure we don’t help too much, or to stop us if they don’t like the people we’re helping. Think about that.

And as promised, here is my offensive version of that statement with some extra gravy. Might want to put the kids to bed. Oh USMRC, U-shart…whatever. Were your handlers on a fucking lunch break? Your job is to put a boot up the ass of Sentinel Prime? So your job is to stroke it to our exploits and follow us around waiting for that one golden moment when you get to stop being about as useful as man-tits? Cool story, bro. Maybe you are tailor-made to be a hard counter to my friends. I guess, in a way, that sort of makes you important, right? Makes it easy to sleep at night? A very difficult new mentor of sorts managed to convince me to try and put a lid on all this rage I’ve got. It isn’t easy. I don’t really mean it when I say half of the shit that comes out of my mouth. I’ve got ADHD, and fuck if waking up a hundred IQ points higher didn’t just make it worse—my flights of fancy get downright quantum now. So if I’ve ever given anyone out there the impression that I’d…I don’t know…kill your family or something. That wasn’t true. I thought some of my friends were about to be brutally murdered and you were an asshole. I’m sorry that you were an asshole. But just because you were an asshole, that doesn’t mean your family should pay for your assholery. I’m sorry if I gave that impression.

One thing on which I really DO want to be clear, though. The USMRC -3 will never have the opportunity to do the ONE thing for which they exist. We are the good guys. I’ve seen the sort of things your employer can get up to when they think nobody is watching. We know about SACRED. Do you? Do you care? Did you folks out there know that Megan was illegally kidnapped by the government and kept hidden in a secret research facility while they ran experiments in a secret lab within a nuclear missile silo? You do now.

Withholding evidence? Just say when and I’ll broadcast that shit over the entire internet and you can see it then. Insulting and/or threatening military personnel? Fuck all of you. Mass murder? What the fuck are you guys smoking? You want to add destruction of government property to the list? Because I tore that secret facility to shit and I’d do it again. All of the things you bastards claim Sentinel Prime is doing wrong are defended by the Constitution. This is a government by, of, and for the people. By that logic any “state secrets” are really just things that can and should be known by every citizen. You guys want to test me? I’ve been to hell—literally. There is nothing you can do to scare me. Just keep thinking you’ve got that boot right where you want it. Get back to doing your job—jacking it to vids of Sentinel Prime. Oh, but Dreamgirl? You can give me a call--I know you were juicing yourself just reading all this.

Two more things before I go. This first thing won’t mean much to most of you folks out there. Maybe you know the names, and maybe not…but here goes.

Grimaldi—you made a promise to me that you have failed to uphold. I just wanted you to know that I’m coming for you. It won’t be long before you’re back in the loving arms of the Duke.

To everybody else, (fuck, that was heavy!) I promise I’ll be more upbeat next time. I might even have some more super awesome info to spill. I mean…give me a break, I’ve been dead for a while. I can’t just make this stuff up. I do need to spend some TLC with some friends and…other special people.

Stay safe out there!


R3B3L_R3B3L_J3RS3Y_R3PR3S3NT May 2, 2013 2:36 PM

HOLY FUCK, YO! He's back!?!? I call *CLONE* on this shit!

---------- May 2, 2013 2:37 PM

OMG! I Love that he's not dead! JOE... YOU ARE BRUTALLY HAWT!

Come work your magic at my place! PM me for address!

---------- May 2, 2013 2:42 PM

Well, lookee who's back! The immortal.

The Immortal FAGGOT!

Wasn't Satan's girth enough to keep you satisfied, Pickle-Ranger! Or were you just too blown-out in yo shit-pussy to keep him happy! Fuckin faggot bitch!


DangerMan May 2, 2013 2:45 PM


SLAMtheJAM May 2, 2013 2:51 PM

Fuckin' ignorant assholes. He was making a joke because of all the flak they got over an offhand comment last year. Get your shit straight and read for context if it doesn't cause you too much thinky-pain!

---------- May 2, 2013 2:55 PM


Bitch, you know he's GAY right?


---------- May 2, 2013 2:56 PM


Darby_O' May 2, 2013 3:02 PM


Not like somebody who decorates everything he owns, including his bedroom, with a fucking video-game character from the 80's, I guess...

LLLLL-LOVES the Pipes! Or is it the plunger? Or Mario's Mushroom-Headed Koopa-Crusher? I can never remember.


3Pete_State_RASlin_Champ May 2, 2013 3:04 PM

---------- May 2, 2013 3:10 PM


Not like strokin' to Muscle-men and Bodybuilders all oiled-up and gleamin' in 80's flicks, right?

Are you seriously comparing fuckin' gaming to watching fuckin' GLADIATOR FLICKS???

L-L-L-L-LOVES THE HAMMER OF CROM! Or is it the Governator's Gavel?


Darby_O' May 2, 2013 3:11 PM


---------- May 2, 2013 3:10 PM


Double Dildo Action!


Darby_O' May 2, 2013 3:11 PM


Blow me, Mario!

---------- May 2, 2013 3:13 PM



---------- May 2, 2013 3:16 PM

God damn it, Joe.

[Sent from encrypted source]


Thing-A-Mah-Jig May 2, 2013 3:21 PM

You've got balls, man. These people are idiots.

Keep doin' it right!


Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Transcript: “The View”
Network: ABC and Affiliates Episode 421: December 10, 2013

Joy Behar: “What do you four have to say to those who claim that you’re an example of an unnecessary or at the very least an *unfair* bias against metahumans in the private sector? Some have even gone so far as to say that you’re department’s existence is an example of our Federal government’s insistence that Metahumans should always and only work under supervision from Washington."

Reciprocity: “Yeah… We’ve heard.”

Whoopi Goldberg: “I’ve actually heard it go further than that, Joy. They say that your team, specifically has been handpicked to counter the three core members of Sentinel Prime. What do you say to that? Are you all just a meta-power-grab by the Administration?”

Reciprocity: *chuckling* “I hardly know where to start, when I hear that kind of talk.”

*audience applauds*

Doppler: “I served in the Marine Corps for five years, and I’ve worked as a police officer in my hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. Flint, over there *she gestures at the team-member sitting at the far-edge of the panel* is a fifteen year veteran of the New York City Fire Department. He was a first-responder to the 9/11 attacks. Dream-Girl worked in Homeland Security as part of an anti-terror taskforce…”

Whoopi Goldberg: “And what about Phantasm?” *she turns to the audience* “Again, the fifth member of USMRC-3 absent by request of our producers as his presence seems to interfere with our studio’s electronics.”

Flint: “Phantasm was Army. He was a first responder to a crisis situation on the day of the Event.”

Doppler: “The point I’m making is that all of us have always been ‘government,’ if that’s how you want to look at it. I mean, if your worldview is so limited as to classify everybody as “Fed” or “Private” then I guess your belief system doesn’t really leave you much room to see us as being legitimately here to help.”

Joy Behar: “Reciprocity, you look like you might be…” *the audience chuckles* “…biting back pretty hard on some opinions.” *he smiles and raises his eyebrows, this draws a fresh round of applause* “Is there anything you’d like to add?”

Reciprocity: *leans forward, resting his elbows on the table* “Well, first of all, I think it’s a bit silly to look for MORE problems considering the situation our nation,… and our world… is facing right now.” *applause* “But, considering the aforementioned “private metahumans’” track-record of insulting and even threatening military personnel, denying evidence and resources to proper authorities and even outright mass-murder,… (bulls**t court-rulings, notwithstanding)…

My answer is… Yeah. We are, as a team… tailor-made to counter Sentinel Prime. And yeah… it IS really obvious. We are made-to-order for the placing of a heavy boot up Prime’s ass…. And everybody *should* realize that,… especially fucking Sentinel Prime.”

*audience erupts with applause*


Live Broadcast
ABC Affiliate Station WNCC, Virginia

May 3, 2014

Emily Corrigan: “Welcome to 27 Action News at 6. I’m Emily Corrigan.”

*music plays through the opening title sequence*

Emily Corrigan: “Our top-story this evening comes to us from Highway 121, near Stateston. The dashboard camera of a State Highway Patrolman’s Cruiser captures what was initially thought to be a simple landslide. Investigators on the scene now say the incident is definitely of a Fortean nature.”

Sargent Mike Kowalski: Fortunately,… ah… nobody on the road was seriously hurt. Eh... As you can see from the dash-cam footage, there was at least one really large boulder that hit the road, but... by the grace of God, it didn't make contact with any vehicles. Two cases of whiplash and a lot of people pretty understandably shaken up. But, that’s about it.”

“Our investigators went back into the fissure, along with a couple of geologists from Stateston and we’ve recovered what seems to be a kind of oblong… cocoon.

That’s really the only way I know of to describe it. Made of chitin, like the shell of an insect and about twelve feet long, big around as a Volkswagen Beetle. It was broken open... almost in half. Looks like something pretty big was inside it and came out in a hurry. *chuckles*

From what we can tell the cocoon,... if that's what it is... had been buried in the bedrock for at least a couple thousand years, and whatever was inside it woke up in a real bad mood. When it tore it's way out, it sent about fifty tons of stone erupting from the surface of the cliffside, as you can see on the footage. Now, the stone around it was burned black, even showing signs of partial melting. The object was relinquished to Federal Agents earlier this morning for research and forensics…. Stuff like that. They airlifted it out of here.
